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Writer's pictureAngela Kontgen

I support Visionaries!

It kind of hit me like a two by four, yesterday, on a brilliant call I was having with a lovely human who has been part of the monthly meditation program I create (Symphonies for the Mind) ~ that what I get to do with my one wild and precious life is support and serve Visionaries!

I have the honour and gift of serving people who have a dream, who wish to step into life, who desire to play bigger with the brief time they've been gifted, who are up to greatness in their own unique way...Omg I get to do this! This greatness takes form in all sorts of ways...through leadership, through healing, through creating something that has not yet been created...

So on this coaching call with this most incredible of human ~ Beverley of BC, Canada, she shared with me how this meditation journey has served and supported her mind over these years and especially with what she is creating - and without going into details and I did ask her permission to share ~ she is creating something incredibly magnificent in the Film industry. It's like OMG!

Beverley shared: "I've let other things go in these times, other expenses, but I will not let this meditation journey go, that's a non-negotiable, for it serves me and my mind big time! Who I am today is because of the work I have been doing through these meditations."

So I was blown away and truly humbled, because truth be told sometimes, even on a path of doing something you love, doing something you know in your heart is here to make a difference, you can get into moments of doubt - yes doubt! Not huge amounts of doubt but just drippings of it...creeping into the seams of your heart...especially in these human of me...and I'm so deeply grateful for this for it is only in the dark that we can see the light ~ the contrast magnifies the light...

So I've been asking for guidance and signs in my own meditation practice where I connect to who I really am, beyond the noise of the external world...and the guidance has been coming...and I understand more deeply than ever before and I'm inspired more than ever before that this lovely meditation journey (Symphonies for the Mind) is meant to serve help these wonderful beings keep looking up, regardless of the times we are in, to help you connect to a Who you really Are and all You are meant to be and experience in this lifetime...and that begins and ends with your lovely Mind...a calmer and more clear Mind...

Thanks for reading and keep getting your cute butt on the seat and I'll keep inspiring you to do so...

With love


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